A note from the OMS Head of School in response to the tragic death of George Floyd

It has been one week since George Floyd was killed, and I believe he deserves our attention and action.  Therefore, I join other educational, community, and government leaders and organizations, in speaking up to reject this violence and, further, to reject the other recent race related tragedies.  It is particularly striking and upsetting to me that these tragedies continue even as much of our country remains in a semi-lockdown state with life “on pause” for so many.

As a community that seeks to foster a sense of belonging, I feel that we cannot stand by and allow our national community to be one that fosters a sense of belonging only for the privileged few. It is critical that we reflect on our own personal biases and work to face those head on, recognize them, and wrestle with them. Personally, I’ve been working on this.  Have the hard discussions within your own heart and in your home.  Then, and only then, can we move forward with affecting real change in our community and beyond.

Violence towards Black people must end, and it is incumbent on those in privileged positions to become educated and act. Fellow OMS community members, let us recognize our privilege and use its power for good. Because we are largely sheltered and separated from the impacts of the violence that ensues, because most of us don’t see it first hand, it is even more important that we do not turn a blind eye. Find trusted resources and learn more about the systemic racism that plagues our country and what you can do to help dismantle it.  I’m keeping my eyes wide open and learning too.  Please feel free to reach out to me to engage in discussion, and in the meantime be well and be safe.

Ashley Billings